From Dance to Trance: The Brain in Action
Abertay University, Dundee
This is a new module I will be teaching at Abertay University to Psychology students. The module will be a little different than other modules Psychology students engage in, as the students will participate in a lot of practice based research.

Cognition and Acting Practice
Fabrique Autonome des Actuers, Bataville
In collaboration Gabriele Sofia, Victor Jacono and Daria Lippi. Over a five days, the workshop provided an understanding of the cognitive and neuronal processes involved in dance and theatre performance practices through lectures and practical examples.

Random Body Work and Scientific Encounters
Dartington Contact Festival, Malta
In collaboration with Susanna Recchia. The Workshop explored the links between touch and social interaction in dance and beyond through improvisation, awareness and empirical research.

Memory in physical performance
Escola Superior d'Art Dramàtic de les Illes Balears (ESADIB) Palma de Maljorca
In 2016 I was invited to beautiful and friendly Palma to teach a workshop to actors with Gabriele Sofia. The Workshop raised awareness on the links between proprioception, touch, and visual imagery and performance practice based on scientific research findings.

Technologies of Love
Impulse Dance Festival, Vienna
I was invited to teach this workshop with Micheal O'Conner. The workshop was set as a research lab for improvisation, contact and the study of love in 2012. It combined dance practice and research. Areas we investigated were linked to physiological and psychological effects of loves, such as changed visual, tactile and somatosensory perception, increase of energy, modified emphatic responses, and desires. Over one week, we explored these themes as a group, defined, tested and experimented with love, starting from a neuroscientific perspective. During the workshop, dance improvisation exercises that emphasised on creating a connection between the performers were explored based on a neuronal and cognitive background, see full workshop description

Danse-science Seminar Series
Centre National de la Danse, Pantin/Paris
In 2012, I initiated and organised a regular seminar with researchers and practitioners in Dance and Science at the CND in Paris as part of the project LaboDanse. The picture shows a moment of a physical practice in relation to a scientific presentation by Dr Christophe Lopez in March 2014, after I have left Paris for Dundee and I handed the series over to Iris Trinkler and Asaf Bachrach to continue.

Academic Dance Seminars and Dance Practices
at various Locations
Independent Artist Days: A meeting between artists and dance students @ Dundee and Angus College in Dundee, organised by Open Dance Dundee (website coming soon), 2016
Warming-up practice based on the Double Skin I Double Mind workshop by Emio Greco I PC @ NEXUS The Work Room, Tramways in Glasgow, 2014
Dance Workshop on the background of somatosensory perception and how this knowledge could be used as an improvisation technology @ at Tanzfabrik in Berlin in 2007
Theory and practice based dance-science seminar where I introduced students into cognition and sensory perception related to dance and somatic practices @ Laban Trinity College London, 2007