My research online (Conference presentations and others)
Enjoy watching freely accessible film and video recordings of my research, mostly based on presentations held at interdisciplinary conferences.
Minded Motion Lab Google Hangout with Nancy Stark Smith, Corinne Jola and William Seeley - Online round table discussion, Meta-academy, Summer 2013
The role of sensorimotor experiences in aesthetic appreciation - Presentation held at the School of Advanced Studies, University of London - Institute of Philosophy, Autumn 2013
Embodied Neuroscience: Making sense of dance - Presentation held at CRAL, Centre de Recherches sur les arts et le langage, "Le sensible à l'oeuvre : savoir du corps entre esthétique et neurosciences" (starts in French but I present in English), Paris - spring 2014
Documentary Film from a French-Taiwanese co-production company. More in English from 4 min onwards and you can also watch me dancing for a few seconds :-)